“Schools of Many Nations, a Family of One.”

Peponi Senior SchoolChala House

A Boys' House from Shell to Upper Sixth

Chala House, a boys’ House for day, weekly boarders and full-boarders, resonates with the passion of Peponi School in general. The boys give their best to ensure that the House remains a warm, spirited and ambitious community, often featuring successfully within both the Extra Curricular and Academic worlds. There are over seventy boys in Chala House ranging from Shell to Upper Sixth, and whilst Shell (Year 9) are based in Sedge House, all five year-groups come together under the Chala Lion, our House emblem.


We always seek to be a House that is a second home, where we speak and listen to our pupils on the day-to-day world with the help of not only our Prefect body, but our Resident Tutor, Mr Dayne Massey (Director of Sport) and a team of House Tutors and designated Sister who support the House at every opportunity. In Chala House, we understand that pastoral care is fundamental to our pupils success and this care can be delivered in the privacy of the boys’ rooms, the Common Rooms, evening prep, the games field, within the practices and rehearsals for House Competitions or through simply passing each other ‘up-School’.
Chala House is an excellent community and environment in which everyone can truly develop their all-round education. The House will look to support its boys every step of the way. We look to take care of each other in the House and a spirit of ‘Brotherhood’, unique to Chala, is developed where we treat our neighbour as we would wish ourselves to be treated.

Our pastoral care is fundamental to our pupils’ individual success. This care is provided throughout, in the privacy of the boys’ rooms, the common rooms, evening prep, the games field, within the practices and rehearsals for house competitions or simply through passing by each other ‘up-school’.

Our excellent community environment provides an atmosphere where everyone can truly develop their all-round and individual education. We support our boys every step of the way, taking care of each other with a spirit of ‘Brotherhood’ unique to Chala, where we treat each other in a manner we wish to be treated.

Billy Odengo - Housemaster Chala House